class yaturbo.toolbox.YandexTurboFeed

Yandex Turbo Pages Feed.

from yaturbo import YandexTurboFeed

class TurboFeed(YandexTurboFeed):
    More information on Django Syndication Feed Framework configuration:


    turbo_sanitize = True  # Let's strip HTML tags unsupported by Turbo pages.

    def item_turbo(self, item):
        return 'turbo contents'

feed = TurboFeed()

# configure Yandex Metrika counter

# configure Yandex Advertisement Network
feed.configure_ad_yandex('A-123', 'page-top')

urlpatterns = [
    path('turbo/', feed),
configure_ad_yandex(ident, turbo_id=u'')

Configure Yandex Advertisement Network.

  • ident (str|unicode) – Ad ID.
  • turbo_id (str|unicode) – ID of a place (figure) on Turbo page where to put an Ad block.

Configure Google Analytics counter.

Parameters:ident (str|unicode) – Counter ID.
configure_analytics_yandex(ident, params=None)

Configure Yandex Metrika analytics counter.

  • ident (str|unicode) – Metrika counter ID.
  • params (dict) – Additional params.

This can be overridden to set turbo contents.

Return type:str|unicode

This can be overridden to set turbo source URL.

Can be used with Yandex Metrika.

Return type:str|unicode

This can be overridden to set turbo page topic (title).

Can be used with Yandex Metrika.

Return type:str|unicode
turbo_sanitize = False

Whether to automatically sanitize HTML contents returned from .item_turbo().

Can be useful if you do not keep special HTML for Turbo pages.

yaturbo.toolbox.sanitize_turbo(html, allowed_tags=[u'a', u'abbr', u'b', u'big', u'blockquote', u'br', u'button', u'code', u'dd', u'del', u'div', u'dl', u'dt', u'em', u'figcaption', u'figure', u'form', u'h1', u'h2', u'h3', u'h4', u'h5', u'h6', u'header', u'hr', u'i', u'iframe', u'img', u'ins', u'li', u'menu', u'meta', u'ol', u'p', u'pre', u'small', u'source', u'strong', u'sub', u'sup', u'table', u'td', u'th', u'tr', u'u', u'ul', u'video'], allowed_attrs={u'a': [u'data-turbo', u'href'], u'abbr': [u'title'], u'button': [u'data-agreement-company', u'data-agreement-link', u'data-background-color', u'data-color', u'data-primary', u'data-send-to', u'data-turbo', u'disabled', u'formaction'], u'div': [u'data-agreement-company', u'data-agreement-link', u'data-author', u'data-avatar-url', u'data-block', u'data-color', u'data-description', u'data-expanded', u'data-height', u'data-icon', u'data-item-view', u'data-layout', u'data-network', u'data-send-to', u'data-stick', u'data-subtitle', u'data-thumb', u'data-thumb-position', u'data-thumb-ratio', u'data-title', u'data-type', u'data-url', u'data-value', u'data-view', u'itemscope', u'itemtype'], u'figure': [u'data-platform-desktop', u'data-platform-mobile', u'data-turbo-ad-id'], u'form': [u'action', u'data-agreement-company', u'data-agreement-link', u'data-send-to', u'data-type', u'method', u'name', u'placeholder', u'type'], u'iframe': [u'allowfullscreen', u'frameborder', u'hd', u'height', u'referrerpolicy', u'sandbox', u'src', u'width'], u'img': [u'src'], u'meta': [u'content', u'itemprop'], u'source': [u'data-duration', u'data-title', u'src', u'type'], u'table': [u'data-invisible'], u'video': [u'height', u'width']})

Sanitizes HTML, removing not allowed tags and attributes.

  • html (str|unicode) –
  • allowed_tags (list) – List of allowed tags.
  • allowed_attrs (dict) – Dictionary with attributes allowed for tags.
Return type:
