
  1. Inherit your feed class from YandexTurboFeed:
# feeds.py
from yaturbo import YandexTurboFeed

class TurboFeed(YandexTurboFeed):
    More information on Django Syndication Feed Framework configuration:

    turbo_sanitize = True  # Let's strip HTML tags unsupported by Turbo pages.

    def item_turbo(self, item):
        # By default Turbo contents is taken from `item_description`.
        # Here we take turbo page contents from `html` attribute of an item.
        # Since we have `turbo_sanitize = True`, our HTML will be sanitized
        # automatically.
        # Take a note, that if we return falsy item would be considered
        # as not having turbo contents at all.
        return item.get('html', '')

       # You can also override other item_turbo_* family members.
  1. Pass an instantiated (and optionally configured) feed object to urlpatterns:
# urls.py
from .feeds import TurboFeed

feed = TurboFeed()

# configure Yandex Metrika counter

# configure Yandex Advertisement Network
feed.configure_ad_yandex('A-123', 'page-top')

urlpatterns = [
    path('feeds/turbo/', feed),